Transforming our City Together with Dr. Larry Lloyd
Transforming our City Together
Zoom Conference with Dr. Larry Lloyd
Thursday, September 10th at 12pm
Click https://zoom.us/j/4059959590 to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting
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ID 4059959590 ##
Please Join us with our coach, Dr. Larry Lloyd, President of Memphis Leadership Foundation. Known as a “ministry entrepreneur” he created the Christian Community Foundation of Memphis which manages over 500 million dollars.
1) creating a platform to partner with others
2) building the capacity of others
3) engaging people of good faith and good will to address our city’s challenges.
Dr. Larry Lloyd is graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California with a Masters in Divinity and Doctorate in Ministry. He served for 12 years on the Young Life Urban staff in Memphis and Southern California. In 1987, Dr. Lloyd started the Memphis Leadership Foundation which has incubated over 30 different ministries in the Memphis community reaching urban young people with the Gospel, getting ex-offenders back to work, starting a health clinic that serves 70,000 Memphians in under resourced communities, rescuing victims of sex trafficking, giving refugees hope for a future, bringing the faith, business and government communities together and much more. The three functions of MLF and, indeed, Leadership Foundations around the world are 1) creating new initiatives in collaboration with others; 2) building the capacity of others and 3) engaging people of good faith and good will to address our city’s challenges.
Dr. Lloyd is the author of “Recovering from Racism.” In addition, as a “ministry entrepreneur” he also created the Christian Community Foundation of Memphis which manages over 500 million dollars in donor advised funds, created a joint ministry with his mentor John Perkins that makes loans to organizations providing affordable housing, and served five years as a Christian Liberal Arts college President. With forty years of urban ministry experience in a variety of venues, Dr. Lloyd is considered an urban missiological expert by those around the country.
For more information about Dr. Lloyd or the Memphis Leadership Foundation, go to www.memphisleadershipfoundation.org or drlarrylloyd.com. For more information about Leadership Foundations go to www.leadershipfoundations.org.
Leadership Foundations is the Global association of local leadership foundations in the U.S., Central America, India, Africa, and the Philippines. While each city is unique, each of the local leadership foundations employs the three functions above in their local context. For example, Dallas is different than Pretoria and Memphis is different than Bangalore, India. The Leadership Foundations global reality has more than 40 years of history of ministry in the city.