
Mar 30 2023


12:00 pm

Luncheon / Share Our America / First Christian Church

Share Our America Luncheon
With a Focus on Public Education

Thursday, March 30th @ 12pm
First Christian Church*

Share Our America is a national initiative — rooted in local communities — that brings Americans together across our differences to build empathy, understanding, respect, and trust.

Despite everything, most Americans think we can rebuild our trust in one another. Share Our America is inspired by this optimism and hope.

We kicked off our activity at The Mission Church on February 23. Interested members in public education from our community joined us. We want to thank them for their interest level and participation.

This is our final upcoming session. We don’t expect everyone to make all the sessions. Please share with others that might be interested.

At the end of these fellowships and learning activities, we hope to create a long-term plan together. We hope you come along with us to make a difference in our community and school system.

*First Christian Church is located at 650 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403.

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