One Kingdom, One Church
One Kingdom, One Church
Small Group Study
Church of The First Born
3418 Saint Elmo Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37409
Mar 19, 2020 | 12 pm -1:30 pm
Lunch Provided
Our overall goal is to build long-term relationships so we can serve together in the community. The small group study (Kingdom Agenda by Dr. Tony Evans and Loving the neighbor who doesn’t look like you, ABS) has allowed us to fellowship and build relationships. We are suggesting that maybe it’s time we look to address some local issues as THE CHURCH.
God Bless you for being part and/or have shown interest in seeing our city come together.
Host Pastors:
Pastor Alfred Johnson – Church of The First Born
Pastor Marcellus Barnes – Grace Pointe Church
Pastor A.J. Holman – Bethel A.M.E.
Please RSVP, Oliver at or (260) 418-2265